Getting the Conversation Started

A few interviewers have asked for some guidance or suggested questions to get the conversation started. Once you’ve been through the information sheet again with the interviewee and obtained informed consent and discussed copyright, got your recorder and microphone set up, and are ready to go…

Make sure you are in a place that is comfortable and if possible that there is a minimum of noise/ disturbance. Make sure the person is ok with a session off about 2 hours and suggest a break in the middle (or whenever they need it).

Start by restating the purpose of the project - gathering the stories, memories and opinions of Irish women born in each decade of the twentieth century.  Explain that we are starting with the experiences of Irish women (or women with a connection) from about the ages of fifteen to twenty five. We’re interested in what life was like growing up, family, school, work, money, love, sex, politics, friendships, relationships, and anything really that mattered to them in that period.

Suggested prompts to get started:

  • Can you tell me a bit about yourself for the record – your name, where you live (i.e. Ireland/ England/ wherever and maybe down to county...), anything else you think is relevant.

  • Where in Ireland did you family come from, it would be great to hear a bit about them to set the scene?

  • Tell me about yourself back at fifteen. Where were you living? What were you up to? What was life like day to day?

  • What was family life like? Tell me about your family…

  • Were you in school/ at work? How was that?

  • You can reflect on how people are now if you know them – for example, “I know you love going to concerts now, were you always into music?”

Fear not silences, you don’t need to fill in the gaps. Use lots of open, curious questions and don’t be afraid to go into difficult territory, you are skilled communicators and caring people and you will manage the session really well.

When you’ve finished, as well as taking special care of the SD memory card and documents, do jot down some notes or make a recording of your own experience of doing the interview that we can use for future learning.